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Install using docker


  • Docker
  • docker-compose

On a Mac, simply use Docker Desktop:

1brew install --cask docker

On Linux, follow the official distro-specific instructions.

0. Copy the data locally

We'll need an index to run things locally. The index should be stored under the ./data from the project root under the odinson directory. Your directory structure for ./data (and directory names!) should mirror this output of tree -L 2:

2└── odinson
3 ├── docs
4 └── index


  • 100K sample of UMBC: /data/nlp/corpora/umbc/umbc_sample_100k.tar.gz

1. Build docker images

Option a: build for ARM64 machines

If you're running things on a Mac M1 or an ARM64-based machine, ...

1./build-images arm64

Option b: build for Intel/AMD machines

If you're running things on an Intel or AMD machine, ...

1./build-images amd64

This will produce the following images:


You can verify this by running docker images

2. Port forwarding for GPU-accelerated inference

Rather than run the program synthesis service locally on the CPU, we'll use a GPU-accelerated service running on a remote machine (ex. rogue). In another terminal/tmux pane, run the following (replacing <remoteport> with the appropriate port on the remote):

1ssh -L 8000:localhost:<remoteport> rogue

If you've done this correctly, running the following command in another window should return an array with three numbers:

1curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"sentences":[["San","Jose"]],"specs":[{"docId":"test-doc","sentId":0,"start":0,"end":2}],"patterns":["□ □","□?","□*","□+"],"current_pattern":"□"}'

You should see a result like the following:


3. Launch the docker services

1docker-compose up