Development FAQs

When do I have to rebuild the Docker image?

When you have changed build.sbt or any scala files in reader.src.

How do I rebuild the Docker image?

To rebuild the Docker image, simply run sbt dockerize in your terminal. Make sure you are in the correct directory, which should be where you cloned the logx-reader repo.

There are two identical grammars in different directories, where do I add rules?

Always add/change rules in the yml files under reader.grammars.logx. The changes made to these files will be updated in the src files automatically.

How do I change annotation pipelines?

The config file passed to the API upon startup should include a specification for the preffered processor. Currently only "ProxiedProcessor", "CluProcessor", and "logx" are supported processor options. To specify a custom processor use "ProxiedProcessor."

What variables can I specify in the config file?

The user can specify RULES_PREFIX and PROCESSORS_SERVICE_URL. The latter is the url of the proxied processor service.

What sbt command line options are there?

To see what commands are available, run sbt tasks.