
You can view the latest documentation at the LogX-Reader Website.

API Documentation

We use scaladoc to generate our API documentation. To generate API documentaion use the following command:

sbt doc

This will generate HTML pages documenting the API for each subproject:

  • reader: reader/target/scala-2.12/api/index.html
  • rest: rest/target/scala-2.12/api/index.html


These files are copied to the docs/api directory when the command sbt documentize is used.

General Documentation

We use mkdocs to generate our site documentation from markdown. Markdown source files are located under the docs directory. To develop the documentation with live updates use the following commands:

docker pull parsertongue/mkdocs:latest

This pulls our published mkdocs image from dockerhub.

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/app \
    -p 8000:8000 \
    parsertongue/mkdocs:latest \
    mkdocs serve -a

Open your browser to localhost:8000.