Module clu.phontools.scoring

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#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Text
from clu.phontools.alignment.realine import ReAline

class Metrics(object):
    Metrics take the output of ReAline and
    calculates edit distance, phoneme errors and phone similarity.

    realine = ReAline()

    def similarity(pair: Tuple[Text, Text]) -> float:
        Calculates similarity of an aligned pair of symbols (phones) using 1 -
        See Kondrak (2002, p54).
        (a, b) = pair
        missing = (
            if any(symbol not in Metrics.realine.feature_matrix for symbol in pair)
            else False
        return 0.0 if missing else 1 -, b)

    def phone_similarity(alignments: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> List[int]:
        TODO: add docstring
        return [Metrics.similarity(i) for i in alignments]

# alignments = [('æ', 'æ'), ('d', 'd'), ('v', 'v'), ('æ', 'æ'), ('n', 'n'), ('s', 's'), ('b', 'b'), ('ʌ', 'ʌ'), ('t', 't'), ('-', 's'), ('æ', 'ɛ'), ('t', 't'), ('ə', 'ə'), ('p', '-'), ('i', 'i'), ('l', 'l')]
# print(Metrics.phone_similarity(alignments))
# print(Metrics.phoneme_errors(alignments))


class Metrics

Metrics take the output of ReAline and calculates edit distance, phoneme errors and phone similarity.

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class Metrics(object):
    Metrics take the output of ReAline and
    calculates edit distance, phoneme errors and phone similarity.

    realine = ReAline()

    def similarity(pair: Tuple[Text, Text]) -> float:
        Calculates similarity of an aligned pair of symbols (phones) using 1 -
        See Kondrak (2002, p54).
        (a, b) = pair
        missing = (
            if any(symbol not in Metrics.realine.feature_matrix for symbol in pair)
            else False
        return 0.0 if missing else 1 -, b)

    def phone_similarity(alignments: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> List[int]:
        TODO: add docstring
        return [Metrics.similarity(i) for i in alignments]

Class variables

var realine

Static methods

def phone_similarity(alignments: List[Tuple[str, str]]) ‑> List[int]

TODO: add docstring

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def phone_similarity(alignments: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> List[int]:
    TODO: add docstring
    return [Metrics.similarity(i) for i in alignments]
def similarity(pair: Tuple[str, str]) ‑> float

Calculates similarity of an aligned pair of symbols (phones) using 1 - See Kondrak (2002, p54).

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def similarity(pair: Tuple[Text, Text]) -> float:
    Calculates similarity of an aligned pair of symbols (phones) using 1 -
    See Kondrak (2002, p54).
    (a, b) = pair
    missing = (
        if any(symbol not in Metrics.realine.feature_matrix for symbol in pair)
        else False
    return 0.0 if missing else 1 -, b)